12January 2019

A Spark of Joy

Household organization is always a challenge. For a LEGO enthusiast and AFOLs, the challenge can be especially daunting. We all spend countless hours sorting and organizing our parts and pieces, making sure each inter-locking plastic brick has its own home and place within our collection.

The new year always brings a flurry of organization to our homes. From putting away our holiday decorations, to new year’s resolutions to be more organized, January (and February for us procrastinators) are marked by grand plans and hopeful aspirations of organizational nirvana in our homes and our LEGO collections. This year’s push seems to have extra momentum due to a new Netflix series – Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. My beautiful and talented wife has forced this new series upon me, and as a loving and dutiful husband, I halfway paid attention to the core concepts and principles.

During my halfway paying attention, while I assembled my newest LEGO set, Emmet and Benny’s ‘Build and Fix’ Workshop!, one of Kondo’s principles struck me – does an object bring you a Spark of Joy?

You know what? This little set, a set suitable for builders 4 years old and up, brought me a spark of joy – a big spark of joy.

Maybe it’s because Benny’s newest ride is a simplified version of LEGO 487 Space Cruiser from 1979. Maybe it’s just Benny’s big ol’ grin. Regardless, it gave me a spark of joy, so I’m gonna keep it (and probably buy a couple more so I can use the parts and pieces in a future Classic Space MOC – the wheels are already turning). Now if I can just find a store that has Benny’s Space Squad in stock and I will be all set.

Plus, these new sets will give me something to do while my beautiful and talented wife is folding all of our belongings into little squares.

BY belmontbricks 0 Read More

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